Helping people grow in their own direction

Helping people grow in their own direction

“I love that Newport Live meets people where they are, at their needs and skill level”

Cheryl, Leisure Operations Officer

Helping people grow in their own direction

Newport Live are all for progressions internally, so we all get an opportunity to act up to a certain level to get experience at a great responsibility… We have plenty of opportunities to further develop our skills.

“If you want to progress and that is your nature, Newport Live do offer plenty of qualifications. If you interested in become a fitness instructor, or group class instructor, or higher management qualifications like IOSH and things like that, Newport Live are happy to fund you; it benefits yourself, and benefits the company as well.”

The staff here at Newport Live are second to none. The friendships that you gain here, they do stand the test of time, I have made friends here that will be my friends for life, I’ve gone on holidays with them, I’ve celebrated birthdays, weddings. We are in work, we work together as a team to get the job done. We support each other personally and professionally, there’s no two ways about it, we really do standby each other.

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